THE EXTERNAL DIMENSION OF INTERNAL SECURITY – The scope of international police cooperation in the contemporary world order

 28 Abr 2022 - 14:00


14h • Opening Session

Mr. José Luís Carneiro, Portugal’s Minister for Home Affairs
Chief-Superintendent Pedro Clemente, National inspector of the Public Security Police
Mr. Alexandru Niculita, CEPOL Head of International Cooperation Unit
Superintendent Bastos Leitão, Director of the Higher Institute of Police Sciences and Internal Security (ISCPSI)


14h30 • Panel 1
Moderation: PhD Luís Tomé, OBSERVARE-UAL

Dr. António Torres, Camões I.P./Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ambassador Francisco Seixas da Costa, OBSERVARE’s Researcher and former Secretary of State for European Affairs
MSc. Ricardo Carrilho, Deputy Secretary General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
PhD Luís Elias, EUROPOL Liaison Officer and ICPOL’s Researcher
PhD Constança Urbano de Sousa, OBSERVARE-UAL’s Researcher and former Minister for Home Affairs

16h30 • Break
16h45 • Panel 2
Moderation: PhD Paulo Machado, ICPOL-ISCPSI

Superintendent Luís Pebre, Single Point of Contact for International Police Cooperation
Inspector Helena Gravato, Judiciary Police – International Cooperation Unit
Chief-Superintendent Paulo Pereira, Public Security Police (PSP) – International police cooperation and civilian crisis management
Lieutenant-Colonel Paulo Poiares, Portuguese Gendarmerie (GNR) – EUROGENDFOR and International Cooperation
PhD Ana Isabel Xavier, OBSERVARE-UAL’s Researcher

18h45 • Closing Session
Superintendent Bastos Leitão, Director of the Higher Institute of Police Sciences and Internal Security (ISCPSI)
PhD José Amado da Silva, Rector of the Autónoma University of Lisbon


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Department of International Relations

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