Aula Aberta “Cognitive Profile of normal aging, mild  cognitive impairment and dementia” | 22 novembro | 11h | Auditório 1

 22 Nov 2019 - 11:00

No âmbito da disciplina de Doenças Neurológicas e Deficitárias do Mestrado em Psicologia clínica e de Aconselhamento contamos com a participação da Professora Merve Çebi do Departamento de Psicologia da Üsküdar University (Turquia), especialista na área das neurociências, que irá abordar a temática do envelhecimento e do declínio cognitivo.



Professora Öğr Üyesi Merve Çebi Istambul | Turquia

Merve Çebi was born in 1986 in Istanbul. After graduating from Üsküdar Anatolian High School, she graduated from Boğaziçi University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology in 2009   . During her studies, she worked as a volunteer trainee at the Behavioral and Movement Disorders Department of the Department of Neurology, Istanbul University, Capa Medical School, and gained information on neuropsychological evaluation.  Merve Çebi completed her postgraduate program in Neuroscience at Istanbul University Experimental Medical Research Institute in 2012  and worked as an intern at Maastricht University Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience during her graduate studies . In 2018,  Istanbul University Institute of Health Sciences Advanced Neurological Sciences PhD program received the title of doctor.



Departamento de Psicologia